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What is the relationship between the change of ductility and viscosity during bitumen modification and the shear and development time? Why does elongation decrease during development?
来源:网络   作者: 小编   View:

In the process of bitumen modification, there is a certain relationship between the change of ductility and viscosity and the shear time and the development time. During the shearing period from 30 minutes to 2 hours, the ductility increases significantly and the viscosity also increases substantially. There was no significant change in ductility or viscosity during the subsequent 2 hours of shear and 6 hours of development.

After 20 hours of development, the ductility decreased, and the viscosity increased with the extension of development time. As for why the ductility decreased in the development stage, it may be due to the excessive shearing and development time in the development stage, which led to the aging of the blended bitumen and the deterioration of some mechanical indexes, such as the ductility decline.

In addition, the shear and development time required when each bitumen is blended with the corresponding modifier is different, and the good compatibility bitumen may require some development time, while the poor compatibility bitumen may not require any development time. This may also be one of the reasons for the decrease in ductility during development.

To sum up, there is a certain relationship between the change of ductility and viscosity in the bitumen modification process and the shear time and development time, but the specific reasons need to be further studied and analyzed.

Published Date:2024-07-16  【Print】  View: