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What are the important effects of process conditions on the properties of modified bitumen?
来源:网络   作者: 小编   View:

Firstly, the amount of SBS has a significant effect on the performance of modified bitumen. The results show that the amount of SBS is between 4% and 6%, which can prepare stable modified bitumen.

In addition, by changing the amount of compatibilizer, the injection degree of modified bitumen can be adjusted to obtain different injection degrees of modified bitumen.

Secondly, the molecular weight of SBS will also affect the stability of the modified bitumen. SBS with low molecular weight has good compatibility with bitumen, and it is easy to produce stable modified bitumen. However, SBS with high molecular weight has poor compatibility with bitumen, so it is more difficult to prepare stable modified bitumen.

In addition, the amount of compatibilizers and stabilizers will also affect the performance of SBS modified bitumen. Compatibilizer can penetrate into the polystyrene microzone of SBS, reduce the force between polystyrene chain segments, increase the activity of chain segments in the microzone, make SBS swell more fully and disperse more evenly, so as to promote the compatibility of SBS and bitumen. The addition of stabilizer can induce SBS crosslinking reaction, form a stable spatial network structure, prevent the separation of bitumen and SBS, and improve the stability of modified bitumen.

Published Date:2024-08-31  【Print】  View: