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In different solvent systems, the effects and countermeasures of side reactions of SBS epoxidation reaction.
来源:网络   作者: 小编   View:

Influence of side reactions: In toluene solvent, side reactions are the fastest and produce the most ester groups. With the addition of cyclohexane, the rate of side reactions slows down, and there are fewer side reactions in cyclohexane solvents, even at higher temperatures. This shows that the nature of the solvent has a significant impact on the occurrence of side reactions.

In order to optimize the mass fraction of epoxy groups, the reaction conditions can be adjusted as follows:

1. Choose the appropriate solvent: Toluene is preferred as the solvent to increase the reaction speed and the mass fraction of epoxy groups.

2. Control the reaction temperature: In toluene solvent, the appropriate reaction temperature is 50°C. At this temperature, the mass fraction of epoxy groups is higher. Too high a temperature may lead to an increase in side reactions, thereby reducing the mass fraction of epoxy groups.

3. Adjust the amount of acid: Appropriately increasing the amount of acid (such as formic acid) is beneficial to the epoxidation reaction, but excess acid will promote side reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance point in the reaction to increase the mass fraction of epoxy groups.

4. Control the concentration of SBS: In cyclohexane solvent, as the concentration of SBS increases, the mass fraction of epoxy groups also increases, but too high a concentration will cause the viscosity to increase, affecting the heat dissipation and stirring of the reaction.

Published Date:2025-01-03  【Print】  View: