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Why do antioxidants play an important role in delaying the aging process of SBS rubber?
来源:网络   作者: 小编   View:

Antioxidants play an important role in delaying the aging process of SBS rubber, mainly because antioxidants can trap free radicals generated by polymers and inhibit chain reactions. In the process of storage, molding and use of SBS rubber, it is affected by external factors, such as oxygen, heat, ultraviolet light and mechanical force, which will lead to aging of the polymer, manifested as yellowing, hardening, and physical and mechanical properties.


The main function of antioxidants is to compete with polymers for peroxy free radicals formed in the process of automatic oxidation, and form stable antioxidant free radicals through the transfer of hydrogen atoms, thereby preventing the chain reaction caused by free radicals. Antioxidants can also break down the generated hydroperoxides and passivate the present heavy metals, further delaying or inhibiting the aging process of the polymer.


Therefore, antioxidants play an important role in delaying the aging process of SBS rubber.

Published Date:2024-05-28  【Print】  View: