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Why can polymer modifiers greatly improve the temperature sensitivity of bitumen?
来源:网络   作者: 小编   View:

Polymer modifiers can greatly improve the temperature sensitivity of bitumen mainly because of the following reasons:

1. Polymer modifiers can reduce the viscosity of bitumen at high temperatures, making it easier to flow and reducing the risk of permanent deformation. The polymer molecules in the polymer modifier can interact with the components in the bitumen to form a network structure, which reduces the viscosity of the bitumen.

2. Polymer modifiers can improve the elastic modulus of bitumen at low temperatures and increase its resistance to fatigue cracking and low temperature cracking. Polymer molecules in polymer modifiers can form elastic structures at low temperatures, increase the elastic modulus of bitumen, and thus improve its resistance to fatigue cracking and low temperature cracking.

3. The polymer modifier can absorb the wax content in bitumen, reduce the wax content of bitumen, and thus improve the temperature sensitivity of bitumen. The presence of wax will enhance the temperature sensitive property of bitumen, and the polymer modifier can absorb the wax content in bitumen, reduce the wax content of bitumen, and improve the temperature sensitive property of bitumen.

4. The polymer modifier can interact with the components in the bitumen to form a network structure and enhance the mechanical properties of the bitumen. The polymer molecules in the polymer modifier can interact with the components in the bitumen to form a network structure and enhance the mechanical properties of the bitumen.



Published Date:2024-09-26  【Print】  View: