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How does the difference between the effects of plastomers and elastomers on the performance of modified bitumen affect the application of bitumen in actual engineering?
来源:网络   作者: 小编   View:

The effects of plastomers and elastomers on the performance of modified bitumen are mainly reflected in its physical properties and application performance. Plastomers usually have higher fluidity and better temperature stability, while elastomers provide better elasticity and fatigue resistance. These differences directly affect the application selection of modified bitumen in actual engineering.

1. Performance difference: Plastomers: Under high temperature conditions, plastomer-modified bitumen exhibits better fluidity and is suitable for road construction in high temperature environments, and can effectively resist rutting and deformation. Elastomers: Elastomer-modified bitumen exhibits better toughness and crack resistance under low temperature conditions, can effectively resist the stress caused by temperature changes, and is suitable for application in cold areas.

2. Engineering application selection: In areas with warm climates or high traffic loads, plastomer-modified bitumen may be more preferred to ensure stability and durability at high temperatures. In cold areas or projects that need to resist low-temperature cracks, elastomer-modified bitumen is more suitable because its superior low-temperature performance can effectively extend the service life of the road surface.

Therefore, the selection of appropriate modifiers (plastomers or elastomers) is crucial to ensure the performance of modified bitumen under specific engineering conditions.

Published Date:2025-01-25  【Print】  View: