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What specific factors affect the softening point of modified bitumen?
来源:网络   作者: 小编   View:

1. Composition of base bitumen: Due to the difference in crude oil and production process, base bitumen from different sources (such as domestic bitumen and imported bitumen) has different contents of oil, resin, bitumenene and other substances, resulting in differences in the softening point of modified bitumen.


2. Type and model of modifier: Different modifiers (such as PE, SBS, SBR, EVA) have different modification effects on the same bitumen. Studies have shown that the modification effect of SBS is better than that of the other three modifiers.


3. Dosage of modifier: The dosage of modifier has a significant effect on the softening point. Usually, as the dosage increases, the softening point will also increase. When the dosage reaches a certain level, the change in softening point will be more obvious.


4. Process factors in the preparation process: Process factors such as stirring method, stirring temperature and stirring time will also affect the softening point of modified bitumen.

In summary, the softening point of modified bitumen is affected by many factors, such as the composition of the base bitumen, the type and dosage of the modifier, and the process factors in the production process.

Published Date:2025-02-14  【Print】  View: