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Why is the compatibility between SBS and base bitumen poor, and how can function
The reason for the poor compatibility between SBS and matrix bitumen is that the
2024-05-11Read More
How can functional chemical auxiliaries improve the high and low temperature pro
Functional chemical additives improve the high and low temperature properties an
2024-04-30Read More
During the blending process of bitumen and SBS, why do SBS particles gradually s
In the blending process of bitumen and SBS, SBS particles gradually swell and fo
2024-04-26Read More
Why is the dispersion effect of different bitumens on SBS different? What is the
The dispersion effect of different bitumen substrates on SBS may be due to their
2024-04-13Read More
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2024-04-11Read More
Why does the penetration of modified bitumen decrease and the softening point in
The decrease of penetration and the increase of softening point of modified bitu
2024-04-09Read More
Can we predict the performance and stability of modified bitumen by measuring th
By measuring viscosity-temperature characteristics, the performance and stabilit
2024-03-29Read More
Why are the viscosity temperature properties of modified asphalt important for e
The viscosity and temperature characteristics of modified asphalt are of great s
2024-03-22Read More
Is the preparation method of SBS modified bitumen simple? Does its performance m
According to the description in the reference information, the preparation method of SBS modified bitumen is simple and does not require special equipment. Simply melt and dehydrate the bitumen, add S
2024-03-14Read More
Product Introduction
1. Concept– Asphalt lotion is mixed with resin+water solvent+emulsifierEmulsified asphalt is a mixture of two immiscible liquids (asphalt and water). Asphalt (particles with a diameter of 0.1-5 micron
2024-03-13Read More